Silent Sparrow

I haz the flu, for the second time in 3 weeks, bloody London and it’s stoopid weather! However, nothing could stop me doing this post as it’s about my very favorite store in SL. Silent Sparrow has long been a store I love, ever since I got a Halloween outfit there in ’07. My “Not So White Wedding” outfit remains in my inv to this day, which cannot be said of alot of purchases I made that year. In fact, piece for piece, my Silent Sparrow folder is the largest, unashamedly so :P

The Sprocket suit in Ash was one I didn’t actually own yet, but being a boy this week gave me the perfect opportunity to scoop it up and take it home.

The Ryou suit in Dove is a gorgeous suit, for either guys or girls. I also wanted to show it for the departure colour wise from Hya’s usual offerings. It really is spectacular, and I would have bought it for the pants alone, deadset perfect in every way.

And I couldn’t let Halloween go by without some blood. The Aconite suit is one I first saw on Ms Ach, and I wanted it soooo bad. Justice ended up buying it for me, as my account was having an epic cannot buy lindens phase, which seems to happen about once a year. The blood isn’t overdone, I love the bandages….all of em. I wanted to wear a tuff boy skin, so I chose my Inflict scrummyness. This particular one was a gift a few months ago, to celebrate the launch of the range, it’s a tad darker than I would usually go for, but works wonderfully for this post. These are some seriously stunning skins, Jussy flipped when she saw that at the Skin/Shape expo, and I spent hours standing in that booth just staring! Ok, entirely enough talking from me, go buy shit :P Ash out.

Silent Sparrow

Don’t Adjust Your Monitors

My next challenge was set by Justice last week. We were talking about how hot we thought our boy avs are, and how sometimes it was nice to escape and not have to be “pretty”. So do it for a week, says Ms Justice. Well alrighty then!

My first stop had to be Artilleri. I absolutely love the shirts and jeans in the mens section, and it has to be the place to go if you don’t feel like wearing a cloak and sword :P There is so much focus in SL on women’s clothes, hair, skins, shoes. But Sasy and I were talking about it the other day, and the guys would spend, if there was something that really caught their attention. My besty Artie spends more time shopping than I do, granted he has an inv full of some shocking ensembles, but he also has some gold too.

I had to update my guy’s hair and skin too. I had an old Laqroki skin, Keith, that I just wasn’t feeling anymore. So off to Den-Dou I went. I demoed everything, and Ichiro was my fave. Shown here in Emo Stubble cos I loves guyliner. The hair is from Uncleweb, a store Steiner directed me to. I love a friend I can just IM with randomness, and they go with the flow!! He must be used to it by now with me, and I suppose me saying I was being a boy for a week was on the tame side of our convos! The tank is from Pofuzz, and is an L at the moment…score! There’s also a brick coloured one, so grab that too while you’re there.

This last shirt was a gift from Sasy. I seem to remember going to Junglewear years ago with hubby, on a quest for body hair of all things!! Anyhoo, apart fron the hair there a 3 floors of menswear, not bad ay. Ash Out.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Paradisis Newness

My cute/non emo week is drawing to a close and it’s been fun to think outside the box and try things I wouldn’t normaly.

However, Pardisis is a store I’ve blogged before, but I’ve never looked at the clothes as cute. Sexy, yes, cute not so much. But I did find some cuteness in the latest release, or it might have been released previously but I overlooked it :P The Student Top, shown here in pink, is awesome. You get 2 options on loads of layers, and I just adore the tie.

The Streets Girl outfit shown here in Rosewood, can be much sexier than I’m showing it, depending on just how daring you feel like being. You get all options, on all layers, so you could peel it all off for your significant other, just sayin!

The Pure top, in white made me chuckle, mostly cos it’s ripped to shreds and held together with pins, yet you have the word “Pure” across your pixel boobs. I do so love contradictions. Ash Out.

Pic 1-Hoorenbeek
Pic 2-Maitreya


A few things have cheered me up over the last few days. Doing Sasy’s challenge has given me a new blogging lease on slife, the Designers United event has made me almost cry from the amazingness, Aoharu and Torie Senne of Bebae fame have me running round the grid with a perma grin. Then of course, there are the most perfect bangs ever in the history of bangs that never normally suit Ash. Thank you Lamb for making me so fashion it hurts :P

Holy shit where to start? Well skin I reckon. Fabia from Bebae is the all new, fresh outta Photoshop release. A much more grown up skin I feel, at least on my av’s face. This is not a bad thing as Sas and Whims are forever calling me “Babyface Tomsen”. But in all seriousness, strong brows are a selling point for me skinwise, and Fabia has those. The body is scrummy, awesome cleavage and tummy.

Then there’s the jackets, shirts and tops from Machang of Aoharu fame. I have spent a small fortune in the last 24 hrs at Aoharu, and it’s some of the best money I’ve spent. Get there ASAP, and indulge in some luxuriousness.

Then there’s the latest release from Lamb. Bangs are not usually my thang, but these bangs, they’re amazing. You must demo. Now I’m off to bed, Mini Ash is not only sick, but is on half term…..I NEED TO SLEEP :P Ash Out.

Roll Up Rider-Aoharu
Lowrise 69 Jeans-Sn@tch


My non emo week isnt up yet, although there is nothing I’d love more than to get covered in sl blood, to reflect the rl pain I’m in at the moment. Sasy said to me the other day “I can’t believe you took all that time to recover from the first part of your tatt and now youre going back for more!” Yup, glutton for punishment me.

Pretties from Nyte’N’Day have cheered me up no end, and made not being grungy, deadset easy. This first dress is called Dial, and is all kinds of sexy. From the skintight lushness, to the split up to lord knows where, it’s my sort of yummy.

For a formal event, look no further than Glimmer, it’s stunning in it’s chic simpleness. You have a huge range of colours to choose from to suit any need.

Isn’t Tartan the cutest! It always reminds me of our Creamy, and I can never resist. Head to Nyte’N’Day and check out these new releases and much more. Ash Out.

pic 2-Vanity
pic 3-Wild O
Mia Pinup-Idiosyncrasy

A La Folie

Not many words today, except for, arm swollen,very sore, Ash no sleep. Look at the pretty pics instead :P

Wait! I must tell you a bit about the dress first before I hit the sack. A La Folie is a new to me store, that already has quite a following. Josephine, shown above and below is my standout from the store. There are some really lovely pieces, well worth a look.

Also a perfect opportunity for me to practice accessorising (wow that looks like far too many c’s and s’s :P) My stunning choker is from MANNA Boutique, I think I picked it up from the Albero Fair, but don’t quote me on that. Ash Out.

A La Folie
Mia Pinup-Idiosyncrasy
MANNA Boutique

We Interrupt Your Cute Scheduling……………….

It started last night, as most things in our crew do, with an “omgomgomgomg” IM. We ended up TP’ing round the grid grabbing amazingness and I had a quick convo with Ivey as to how I could have missed her releasing a posture collar (more on that in a later post). Somehow we got separated at Sn@tch, and I was in Pulse while Whimsy and Sasy were still in Sn@tch City.

The credit for finding this amazing outfit all goes to Whimsy, who stood in front of it while rezzing, then squealed in voice about how gorgy the kimono was next to it. I landed on her head and the Ghost Hakama outfit by Selos Dae of Trap rezzed in for me. No word of a lie, it took my breath away.

It was made for the Fantasy Fair and is an accompanying piece to the Ishiko Kimono from Gauze. It is absolutely stunning and proof positive for me that Selos should branch out and make more clothes ASAP, now, kthnx :P

There are parts for guys and girls, and even though I’m teeny, I didn’t need to adjust a thing. I feel so badass in fact, I ran round doing 50L Fridays dressed thusly, lag and everyone be dammned! Now I’m off to get mini Ash from school, then collapse, as four hours in the tattoo chair is alot, even for a badass such as myself :P Ash Out.

Ghost Hakama-Trap
Mia Doll-Idiosyncrasy


So part 2 of my no emo, no blood, no grunge week comes to you from Beetlebones. While shopping at !Ohmai yesterday, I had tp’d to one of the sattelite locations, leaving Sasy to wander round Horst. Then she yells “omg sale” so back I go to Beetlebones to check out what was going on.

Sasy had the misfortune of crashing mid shop, leaving me an extra 5 mins to run upstairs and buy everything :P It was decided when she came back, she would blog the downstairs clothes and I would cover the upsatirs ones. This first look is my fave I think. I love shorts, and high waisted ones are so cute. I’ve paired them here with the Jailbird Sweater in grey area. With the 50% off sale, the pieces are stupidly cheap, between 10 and 40L……BUY EVERYTHING.

What would a happy post be without a prom dress? This one is beautifully textured, the skirt is amazing, and it’s called Bringing Slexy Back. Yes, yes it is.

The Nicola dress in Vanilla Bean has so many elements I’m loving in sl clothing at the moment. System skirt, wonderfully simple, unfussy design and gorgeous ruffles just to add the finishing touch. I’m gonna try to get another post out later today, as tomorrow, my rl arm will be out of action because I’m having part 2 of my tattoo sleeve done……sooo excited! Ash Out.

Blonde Hair
Brown Hair
Mia-Idiosyncrasy (unreleased)

Ms Anya

So I’ve been having a bit of a slump lately, feeling uninspired blogging wise. It all came to a head last night with me screaming like a banshee in Sasy’s ear that I hated my inventory, hated taking pictures and hated everything. So she set me a challenge, no blood, no darkness and no emo for a week. Fast forward 12 hours, and oh how bright a new morning can be! So here’s my first non dark post, ironic considering Halloween’s coming up :P

Sharing the Blackmarket space with Ms Anya Ohmai and the girls has been a blast, and I thought it was high time to check out her main store, !Ohmai. I dragged Sasy with me so we could ooh and aah over the gorgy pieces together. Shown above is the Spun Silk gown and god it’s so pretty, floaty, and totally not something I would normally wear. But always one to take on a challenge, I’m so glad I did cos I felt like a princess and didn’t want to take it off.

The Nina sweater in absolutely stunning, and paired with the sheer leggings, it’s an awesome, comfy combo. Cos it’s freezing here in London, I’m wearing big sweaters I can layer under, so this outfit felt right at home for me.

And to finish, the super cute Puff Blouse, shown here in Lavender. I’m so loving all the pieces from Anya’s store (I think i bought it all) and I can’t wait for her to do pants, jeans and moar shorts :P Demanding asshole aint I! Ash Out.

Idiosyncrasy (unreleased)

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