
Super quick quicky!! Laq has a stunning new skin out, for the blondes of sl: Pearl.

Honestly, Mallory’s most realistic hairbase to date, you can grab an awesome ponytail to match from the hair store if you love that pulled back look. I will be showing all the makeups properly later on today, but it was just too pretty to pass up a photo op :P Ash Out.


Look, it’s been swell, but the swelling’s gone down.

Note from Ash: This was written on the 7th Feb
Funny how our group all thinks so alike where clothes are concerned. We all seem to have influenced each other so much. Example: I was processing the pics for this post, as Sasy had published hers. We hadnt spoken about what we were covering, indeed it could have been anything as Sasy went on a blogging frenzy last week!

I love getting anything from Adorkable Peapod. Quirky and cute poses, great photoprops and poseballs, all done with a tongue in cheek humor that appeals to me so much. When I opened this particular pack, and saw the word guns, much squeeling ensued. I knew they would be perfect for the latest release from SK Designs.

The Cthulhu outfit from SK, is strong, sexy, and something you could totally kick ass in while looking spectacular :P Jussy bought me the most perfect of all perfect boots everer last year. I’ve been meaning to show them, but as with alot of things I mean to do blogging wise, I ended up just wearing them to death and keeping them all to myself! Get thee to Caverna Obscura, for these…you wont regret it. Ash Out.

SK Designs
Hat Mechanic
Caverna Obscura

A Nyte To Remember

Half term is over!!! It’s been a week of disney movies, junk food, and utter sillyness! I have poorly neglected my blogging duties, amid my sim being offline for 12 hours after the update and my av being ghosted in a poor ladies store (btw thanks for getting the sim restarted twice for me :P) The only time I remember the grid being this unstable was during my early months in sl, 3 years ago. Note to self, go on holidays whenever LL decides to upgrade their server hardware.

After being stuck in the same outfit for the best part of a week, (I was too scared to change) I couldnt help myself when the new release from Nyte ‘N’ Day came out. Beautiful coats, and a really sultry dress, available in co-ordinating colours.

The texturing is perfection, and you get 3 different size options for the jacket, to ensure a perfect fit. The dress is so figure huggingly sexy it should be illegal.

This also gave me a chance to break out some old favie skins, plus a new release from Amacci. The goth version of Felicia is beautiful and there are some amazing makeup choices, go get the demos. Ash Out.

Nyte ‘N’ Day




Paper Couture
Lamb Newness

Not many words today as mini Ash kept me up all night for no particular reason. Also Justice had me on a bunny hunting expedition that took up the best part of the last day. Who woulda thunk it would be so hard to find a damn grey bunny with hazel eyes :P

The yummy newness from certainly perked me up. 2 gorgeous hairs, lowrise jeans and the most fabulous comfy sweater ever.

I chose the darkest wash for the jeans, there are 3 available. Jeans in sl are like jeans in rl. It takes forever to find the perfect pair, but once you do, you live in them! Ok, time to crawl back to bed. Ash Out.

Clothes & Hair
Pink Fuel<

Idiosyncrasy & SL Daily Deals

Idiosyncrasy is proud to be taking part in SL Daily Deals once again. This time it’s a limited edtion makeup, in all 3 tones, with all options….yay! 50 copies only will be available for 24 hrs, at a heavily reduced price. The vendor goes online at midnight tonight slt. Credit for the makeup idea goes to Sasy, who brainstormed with me over it, while I emoed and pouted :P


Get the demos here.

This is NOT A fashion Post

It was announced earlier in the week that the UK is planning on banning e-cig products.

Not in the UK? Make no mistake, this affects all vapers, worldwide. If this ban goes through, it will give the FDA much needed ammo for the appeal in their current case against SE/Njoy. It will be a hop skip and a jump to a worldwide ban. We have until May to make our voices heard, that is the deadline for all comments/petitions.

Petition for UK residents
Comments submission for vapers

If vaping has impacted your life in a positive way, now’s your chance to tell your story. We need positive feedback and honest testimonies of how vaping has helped you. Please no flaming or trolling, it just won’t help. Ash Out.

School’s Out

School, college, university………one of the most popular RP scenarios in SL. I won’t name sims, you already know them you dirty lot :P Guys generally take on the “teacher” role, not counting the fabulous headmistress at School Girls Gone Bad, but thats a bedtime story for another time.

Dressing the part helps suspend your belief and immerse yourself in the RP, much in the same way a snippet of fact in a book of fiction tricks your brain into believing the whole story.

SL is all about possibilities, and I have such fun turning stereotypes on their heads. Sure, wanna play naughty college students? I’ll be the teacher dammit :p Thats why I was more than stoked to find the outfit I’m showing today.

This school teachers outfit from MPS is so hot it should be fucking illegal. I blame Sasy of course, for posting the cheeky mini skirts from there. As soon as this rezzed in for me, it was right click buy with no hesitation at all. It even comes with a nifty pointer, which could double as a switch depending on your frame of mind. On the RP subject, one thing that never ceases to amaze me, is the people that say they loath it so much, they have a whole list of scenarios that upset them listed in their profiles, while claiming to never have set foot in an RP sim. Really, really? I call shenanigans. Ash Out.


Casual Fridays

So I’ve been getting this really weird bug, where I’m seeing alpha halos round everything. I know theyre not supposed to be there, and I only get them at certain angles, but it’s made taking pictures absolute hell. Is anyone else having this issue?

Apart from the texture weirdness, I’ve been a wee bit distracted and have gotten terribly behind again, so I’ll be playing catchup for a bit. After all the amazing over the top outfits I’ve shown the last couple of weeks, I felt the need to show a relaxed look. Casual and comfy, but still sexy….in that girl next door kinda way.’s latest release fits the bill perfectly, beautiful scoop back sweaters and adorable hair. I love the fact that from the front, these sweaters look so demure, but turn round and bam! Smexy. I have a love for scoop backs in rl, my whole back is tattooed, so backless clothes are like mecca for me.

I could kill Justice….last week I had a hankering for a denim mini skirt, so she sends me to the Plastik. Of course, the skirts I bought are so fucking perfect, I am now ruined for any other denim mini. Ruined I say….bah. The beautiful skins shown throughout are the new release from Amacci. Felicia is so pretty, I’ve shown her in the Bronze tone. You have about 16 makeups to choose from, so there’s a look for all tastes and all the amazing options skin designers have spoilt us with of late. Back to Photoshop I go, thats if I dont get distracted again in the meantime :P Ash Out.

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